Diablo devolved - magic behind the 1996 computer game
mpqapi.h File Reference
#include <stdint.h>

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void mpqapi_remove_hash_entry (const char *pszName)
void mpqapi_alloc_block (uint32_t block_offset, uint32_t block_size)
_BLOCKENTRYmpqapi_new_block (int *block_index)
int FetchHandle (const char *pszName)
int mpqapi_get_hash_index (short index, int hash_a, int hash_b, int locale)
void mpqapi_remove_hash_entries (BOOL(*fnGetName)(DWORD, char *))
BOOL mpqapi_write_file (const char *pszName, const BYTE *pbData, DWORD dwLen)
_BLOCKENTRYmpqapi_add_file (const char *pszName, _BLOCKENTRY *pBlk, int block_index)
BOOL mpqapi_write_file_contents (const char *pszName, const BYTE *pbData, DWORD dwLen, _BLOCKENTRY *pBlk)
int mpqapi_find_free_block (uint32_t size, uint32_t *block_size)
void mpqapi_rename (char *pszOld, char *pszNew)
BOOL mpqapi_has_file (const char *pszName)
BOOL OpenMPQ (const char *pszArchive, DWORD dwChar)
BOOL mpqapi_flush_and_close (const char *pszArchive, BOOL bFree, DWORD dwChar)

Detailed Description

Interface of functions for creating and editing MPQ files.

Definition in file mpqapi.h.