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path.h File Reference

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int FindPath (BOOL(*PosOk)(int, int, int), int PosOkArg, int sx, int sy, int dx, int dy, char *path)
 find the shortest path from (sx,sy) to (dx,dy), using PosOk(PosOkArg,x,y) to check that each step is a valid position. More...
int path_get_h_cost (int sx, int sy, int dx, int dy)
 heuristic, estimated cost from (sx,sy) to (dx,dy) More...
int path_check_equal (PATHNODE *pPath, int dx, int dy)
 return 2 if pPath is horizontally/vertically aligned with (dx,dy), else 3 More...
PATHNODEGetNextPath ()
 get the next node on the A* frontier to explore (estimated to be closest to the goal), mark it as visited, and return it More...
BOOL path_solid_pieces (PATHNODE *pPath, int dx, int dy)
 check if stepping from pPath to (dx,dy) cuts a corner. More...
BOOL path_get_path (BOOL(*PosOk)(int, int, int), int PosOkArg, PATHNODE *pPath, int x, int y)
 perform a single step of A* bread-first search by trying to step in every possible direction from pPath with goal (x,y). More...
BOOL path_parent_path (PATHNODE *pPath, int dx, int dy, int sx, int sy)
 add a step from pPath to (dx,dy), return 1 if successful, and update the frontier/visited nodes accordingly More...
PATHNODEpath_get_node1 (int dx, int dy)
 return a node for (dx,dy) on the frontier, or NULL if not found More...
PATHNODEpath_get_node2 (int dx, int dy)
 return a node for (dx,dy) if it was visited, or NULL if not found More...
void path_next_node (PATHNODE *pPath)
 insert pPath into the frontier (keeping the frontier sorted by total distance) More...
void path_set_coords (PATHNODE *pPath)
 update all path costs using depth-first search starting at pPath More...
void path_push_active_step (PATHNODE *pPath)
 push pPath onto the pnode_tblptr stack More...
PATHNODEpath_pop_active_step ()
 pop and return a node from the pnode_tblptr stack More...
PATHNODEpath_new_step ()
 zero one of the preallocated nodes and return a pointer to it, or NULL if none are available More...


 Notes visisted by the path finding algorithm. More...
int gdwCurPathStep
 size of the pnode_tblptr stack More...
int gdwCurNodes
 the number of in-use nodes in path_nodes More...
int pnode_vals [MAX_PATH_LENGTH]
 for reconstructing the path after the A* search is done. More...
 A linked list of all visited nodes. More...
 A stack for recursively searching nodes. More...
 A linked list of the A* frontier, sorted by distance. More...
PATHNODE path_unusednodes [MAXPATHNODES]
const char pathxdir [8]
 For iterating over the 8 possible movement directions. More...
const char pathydir [8]
char path_directions [9]
 each step direction is assigned a number like this: dx -1 0 1 +--— -1|5 1 6 dy 0|2 0 3 1|8 4 7 More...

Detailed Description

Interface of the path finding algorithms.

Definition in file path.h.