Diablo devolved - magic behind the 1996 computer game
Data Fields
TownerStruct Struct Reference

#include <structs.h>

Data Fields

int _tmode
int _ttype
int _tx
int _ty
int _txoff
int _tyoff
int _txvel
int _tyvel
int _tdir
unsigned char * _tAnimData
int _tAnimDelay
int _tAnimCnt
int _tAnimLen
int _tAnimFrame
int _tAnimFrameCnt
char _tAnimOrder
int _tAnimWidth
int _tAnimWidth2
int _tTenPer
int _teflag
int _tbtcnt
int _tSelFlag
BOOL _tMsgSaid
int _tSeed
int _tVar1
int _tVar2
int _tVar3
int _tVar4
char _tName [PLR_NAME_LEN]
unsigned char * _tNAnim [8]
int _tNFrames
unsigned char * _tNData

Detailed Description

Definition at line 1046 of file structs.h.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: