Diablo devolved - magic behind the 1996 computer game
Functions | Variables
lighting.h File Reference

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void RotateRadius (int *x, int *y, int *dx, int *dy, int *lx, int *ly, int *bx, int *by)
void DoLighting (int nXPos, int nYPos, int nRadius, int Lnum)
void DoUnLight (int nXPos, int nYPos, int nRadius)
void DoUnVision (int nXPos, int nYPos, int nRadius)
void DoVision (int nXPos, int nYPos, int nRadius, BOOL doautomap, BOOL visible)
void FreeLightTable ()
void InitLightTable ()
void MakeLightTable ()
void InitLightMax ()
void InitLighting ()
int AddLight (int x, int y, int r)
void AddUnLight (int i)
void ChangeLightRadius (int i, int r)
void ChangeLightXY (int i, int x, int y)
void ChangeLightOff (int i, int x, int y)
void ChangeLight (int i, int x, int y, int r)
void ProcessLightList ()
void SavePreLighting ()
void InitVision ()
int AddVision (int x, int y, int r, BOOL mine)
void ChangeVisionRadius (int id, int r)
void ChangeVisionXY (int id, int x, int y)
void ProcessVisionList ()
void lighting_color_cycling ()


LightListStruct VisionList [MAXVISION]
BYTE lightactive [MAXLIGHTS]
LightListStruct LightList [MAXLIGHTS]
int numlights
BYTE lightradius [16][128]
BOOL dovision
int numvision
char lightmax
BOOL dolighting
BYTE lightblock [64][16][16]
int visionid
BYTE * pLightTbl
BOOL lightflag
char CrawlTable [2749]
 CrawlTable specifies X- and Y-coordinate deltas from a missile target coordinate. More...
char * pCrawlTable [19]
 pCrawlTable maps from circle radius to the X- and Y-coordinate deltas from the center of a circle. More...
BYTE vCrawlTable [23][30]
 vCrawlTable specifies the X- Y-coordinate offsets of lighting visions. More...
BYTE byte_49463C [18][18]
 unused More...
BYTE RadiusAdj [23]
 RadiusAdj maps from vCrawlTable index to lighting vision radius adjustment. More...

Detailed Description

Interface of light and vision.

Definition in file lighting.h.