Diablo devolved - magic behind the 1996 computer game
Functions | Variables
scrollrt.h File Reference

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void ClearCursor ()
 Clear cursor state. More...
void DrawMissile (int x, int y, int sx, int sy, BOOL pre)
 Render a missile sprites for a given tile. More...
void DrawDeadPlayer (int x, int y, int sx, int sy)
 Render a player sprite. More...
void DrawView (int StartX, int StartY)
 Start rendering of screen, town variation. More...
void ClearScreenBuffer ()
 Render the whole screen black. More...
void EnableFrameCount ()
 Initialize the FPS meter. More...
void scrollrt_draw_game_screen (BOOL draw_cursor)
 Redraw screen. More...
void DrawAndBlit ()
 Render the game. More...


bool sgbControllerActive
int light_table_index
 Specifies the current light entry. More...
BYTE * gpBufStart
 Upper bound of back buffer. More...
BYTE * gpBufEnd
 Lower bound of back buffer. More...
DWORD level_cel_block
 Specifies the current MIN block of the level CEL file, as used during rendering of the level tiles. More...
char arch_draw_type
 Specifies the type of arches to render. More...
int cel_transparency_active
 Specifies whether transparency is active for the current CEL file being decoded. More...
int cel_foliage_active
 Specifies whether foliage (tile has extra content that overlaps previous tile) being rendered. More...
int level_piece_id
 Specifies the current dungeon piece ID of the level, as used during rendering of the level tiles. More...
void(* DrawPlrProc )(int, int, int, int, int, BYTE *, int, int, int, int)
char * szMonModeAssert [18]
 used in 1.00 debug More...
char * szPlrModeAssert [12]