Diablo devolved - magic behind the 1996 computer game
Functions | Variables
towners.h File Reference

Go to the source code of this file.


int GetActiveTowner (int t)
void SetTownerGPtrs (BYTE *pData, BYTE **pAnim)
void NewTownerAnim (int tnum, BYTE *pAnim, int numFrames, int Delay)
void InitTownerInfo (int i, int w, int sel, int t, int x, int y, int ao, int tp)
void InitQstSnds (int i)
void InitSmith ()
void InitBarOwner ()
void InitTownDead ()
void InitWitch ()
void InitBarmaid ()
void InitBoy ()
void InitHealer ()
void InitTeller ()
void InitDrunk ()
void InitCows ()
void InitTowners ()
void FreeTownerGFX ()
void TownCtrlMsg (int i)
void TownBlackSmith ()
void TownBarOwner ()
void TownDead ()
void TownHealer ()
void TownStory ()
void TownDrunk ()
void TownBoy ()
void TownWitch ()
void TownBarMaid ()
void TownCow ()
void ProcessTowners ()
ItemStructPlrHasItem (int pnum, int item, int *i)
void TownerTalk (int first, int t)
void TalkToTowner (int p, int t)
void CowSFX (int pnum)


TownerStruct towner [16]
QuestTalkData Qtalklist [11]