Go to the documentation of this file.
117 strcpy(picname,
119 for (
i = 0;
i <= 99;
121 picname[5] =
i / 10 +
122 picname[6] =
i % 10 +
124 f = fopen(checkname,
135 buffer = malloc(buffSize);
150 for (
i = 18;
i < buffSize;
i += 4)
160 for (
i = 18;
i < buffSize;
i += 4)
166 f = fopen(checkname,
167 fwrite(
buffer, 1, buffSize, f);
181 for (
i = 0;
i < strlen(ver);
184 uint32_t numDevices = 0;
186 VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevices[32];
187 VkPhysicalDeviceProperties deviceProperties;
204 driverPatch = (secondary << 8) | tertiary;
210 if (preferredDevice >= numDevices) preferredDevice = -1;
218 for (
i = 0;
i < numDevices; ++
220 vkGetPhysicalDeviceProperties(physicalDevices[
i], &deviceProperties);
221 isPreferred = (preferredDevice ==
i) || (preferredDevice < 0 && deviceProperties.deviceType == VK_PHYSICAL_DEVICE_TYPE_DISCRETE_GPU);
222 if (isPreferred) usedDevice =
223 ri.
"%s#%d: %s\n", isPreferred && numDevices > 1 ?
"* " :
" ",
i, deviceProperties.deviceName);
image_t * Vk_LoadPic(char *name, byte *pic, int width, int height, imagetype_t type, int bits, qvksampler_t *samplerType)
void R_InitParticleTexture(void)
void Sys_Mkdir(char *path)
VkPhysicalDeviceProperties properties
cvar_t *(* Cvar_Get)(char *name, char *value, int flags)
uint32_t uniform_buffer_max_usage
uint32_t uniform_buffer_usage
uint32_t triangle_fan_index_count
uint32_t index_buffer_size
uint32_t index_buffer_usage
void(* Con_Printf)(int print_level, char *str,...)
const char * present_mode
const char * extensions[256]
uint32_t index_buffer_max_usage
qvkswapchain_t vk_swapchain
uint32_t vertex_buffer_usage
image_t * r_particletexture
char *(* FS_Gamedir)(void)
void Vk_ScreenShot_f(void)
struct _TargaHeader TargaHeader
uint32_t vertex_buffer_max_usage
uint32_t uniform_buffer_size
void QVk_ReadPixels(uint8_t *dstBuffer, uint32_t width, uint32_t height)
uint32_t triangle_fan_index_usage
uint32_t vertex_buffer_size
void Com_sprintf(char *dest, int size, char *fmt,...)
uint32_t triangle_fan_index_max_usage
const char * supported_present_modes[256]