Quake II RTX doxygen  1.0 dev
client_static_s Struct Reference

#include <client.h>

Public Attributes

connstate_t state
keydest_t key_dest
active_t active
qboolean ref_initialized
unsigned disable_screen
int userinfo_modified
cvar_t * userinfo_updates [MAX_PACKET_USERINFOS]
int framecount
unsigned realtime
float frametime
struct {
   unsigned   time
   int   frames [4]
   int   fps [4]
   int   ping
netadr_t serverAddress
char servername [MAX_OSPATH]
unsigned connect_time
int connect_count
qboolean passive
int quakePort
netchan_t * netchan
int serverProtocol
int protocolVersion
int challenge
netadr_t recent_addr [RECENT_ADDR]
int recent_head
struct {
   list_t   queue
   int   pending
   dlqueue_t *   current
   int   percent
   int   position
   qhandle_t   file
   char   temp [MAX_QPATH+4]
   string_entry_t *   ignores
struct {
   qhandle_t   playback
   qhandle_t   recording
   unsigned   time_start
   unsigned   time_frames
   int   last_server_frame
   int   frames_written
   int   frames_dropped
   int   others_dropped
   int   frames_read
   int   last_snapshot
   int   file_size
   int   file_offset
   int   file_percent
   sizebuf_t   buffer
   list_t   snapshots
   qboolean   paused
   qboolean   seeking
   qboolean   eof

Detailed Description

Definition at line 374 of file client.h.

Member Data Documentation

◆ active

active_t client_static_s::active

◆ buffer

sizebuf_t client_static_s::buffer

◆ challenge

int client_static_s::challenge

Definition at line 425 of file client.h.

Referenced by CL_CheckForResend(), and CL_ConnectionlessPacket().

◆ connect_count

int client_static_s::connect_count

◆ connect_time

unsigned client_static_s::connect_time

◆ current

◆ demo

◆ disable_screen

unsigned client_static_s::disable_screen

◆ download

◆ eof

qboolean client_static_s::eof

Definition at line 470 of file client.h.

Referenced by CL_DemoFrame(), CL_Seek_f(), and parse_next_message().

◆ file

qhandle_t client_static_s::file

◆ file_offset

int client_static_s::file_offset

Definition at line 464 of file client.h.

Referenced by CL_EmitDemoSnapshot(), CL_FirstDemoFrame(), and update_status().

◆ file_percent

int client_static_s::file_percent

Definition at line 465 of file client.h.

Referenced by SCR_DrawDemo(), and update_status().

◆ file_size

int client_static_s::file_size

Definition at line 463 of file client.h.

Referenced by CL_EmitDemoSnapshot(), CL_FirstDemoFrame(), SCR_DrawDemo(), and update_status().

◆ fps

int client_static_s::fps[4]

Definition at line 404 of file client.h.

Referenced by CL_MeasureStats().

◆ framecount

int client_static_s::framecount

Definition at line 388 of file client.h.

Referenced by CL_Frame().

◆ frames

int client_static_s::frames[4]

Definition at line 403 of file client.h.

Referenced by CL_MeasureStats().

◆ frames_dropped

int client_static_s::frames_dropped

Definition at line 459 of file client.h.

Referenced by CL_EmitDemoFrame(), CL_Stop_f(), and format_demo_status().

◆ frames_read

int client_static_s::frames_read

Definition at line 461 of file client.h.

Referenced by CL_DemoPos_m(), CL_EmitDemoSnapshot(), CL_ParseFrame(), CL_Seek_f(), and SCR_DrawDemo().

◆ frames_written

int client_static_s::frames_written

Definition at line 458 of file client.h.

Referenced by CL_EmitDemoFrame(), CL_Stop_f(), and format_demo_status().

◆ frametime

float client_static_s::frametime

Definition at line 390 of file client.h.

Referenced by CL_Frame(), Con_RunConsole(), R_RenderFrame_RTX(), and SCR_UpdateScreen().

◆ ignores

string_entry_t* client_static_s::ignores

Definition at line 448 of file client.h.

Referenced by CL_IgnoreDownload(), and CL_LoadDownloadIgnores().

◆ key_dest

◆ last_server_frame

int client_static_s::last_server_frame

Definition at line 457 of file client.h.

Referenced by CL_EmitDemoFrame(), and CL_Record_f().

◆ last_snapshot

int client_static_s::last_snapshot

Definition at line 462 of file client.h.

Referenced by CL_EmitDemoSnapshot(), and CL_FirstDemoFrame().

◆ measure

struct { ... } client_static_s::measure

Referenced by CL_MeasureStats(), and CL_Ping_m().

◆ netchan

◆ others_dropped

int client_static_s::others_dropped

Definition at line 460 of file client.h.

Referenced by CL_ParseServerMessage(), CL_Stop_f(), and format_demo_status().

◆ passive

qboolean client_static_s::passive

◆ paused

◆ pending

◆ percent

◆ ping

int client_static_s::ping

Definition at line 405 of file client.h.

Referenced by CL_MeasureStats(), and CL_Ping_m().

◆ playback

◆ position

◆ protocolVersion

int client_static_s::protocolVersion

Definition at line 423 of file client.h.

Referenced by CL_Connect_f(), CL_ParseServerData(), CL_SendBatchedCmd(), and CL_SendDefaultCmd().

◆ quakePort

int client_static_s::quakePort

Definition at line 419 of file client.h.

Referenced by CL_CheckForResend(), and CL_ConnectionlessPacket().

◆ queue

list_t client_static_s::queue

◆ realtime

◆ recent_addr

netadr_t client_static_s::recent_addr[RECENT_ADDR]

Definition at line 434 of file client.h.

Referenced by CL_CheckForIP(), CL_FollowIP_f(), and CL_RecentIP_g().

◆ recent_head

int client_static_s::recent_head

Definition at line 435 of file client.h.

Referenced by CL_CheckForIP(), CL_FollowIP_f(), and CL_RecentIP_g().

◆ recording

◆ ref_initialized

◆ seeking

qboolean client_static_s::seeking

Definition at line 469 of file client.h.

Referenced by CL_DeltaFrame(), CL_ParseConfigstring(), CL_ParseFrame(), and CL_Seek_f().

◆ serverAddress

◆ servername

char client_static_s::servername[MAX_OSPATH]

◆ serverProtocol

◆ snapshots

list_t client_static_s::snapshots

Definition at line 467 of file client.h.

Referenced by CL_CleanupDemos(), CL_EmitDemoSnapshot(), CL_InitDemos(), and find_snapshot().

◆ state

connstate_t client_static_s::state

Definition at line 375 of file client.h.

Referenced by AL_AddLoopSounds(), CL_Begin(), CL_Changing_f(), CL_CheatsOK(), CL_CheckForPause(), CL_CheckForResend(), CL_ClearState(), CL_Connect_f(), CL_ConnectionlessPacket(), CL_DeltaFrame(), CL_DemoFrame(), CL_Disconnect(), CL_Disconnect_f(), CL_Download_f(), CL_DumpClients_f(), CL_FinalizeCmd(), CL_ForwardToServer(), CL_ForwardToServer_f(), CL_Frame(), CL_GTV_EmitFrame(), CL_GTV_Resume(), CL_GTV_Run(), CL_GTV_Shutdown(), CL_GTV_Start_f(), CL_GTV_Status_f(), CL_GTV_Stop_f(), CL_GTV_Suspend(), CL_GTV_Transmit(), CL_GTV_WriteMessage(), CL_InitLocal(), CL_Name_g(), cl_noskins_changed(), CL_PacketEvent(), CL_ParseFrame(), CL_ParsePrintMessage(), CL_ParseReconnect(), CL_PlayDemo_f(), CL_Precache_f(), CL_PredictMovement(), CL_Reconnect_f(), CL_Record_f(), CL_RequestNextDownload(), CL_RestartFilesystem(), CL_RestartRefresh(), CL_SendCmd(), CL_Skins_f(), CL_UpdateBlendSetting(), CL_UpdateConfigstring(), CL_UpdateFrameTimes(), CL_UpdateRecordingSetting(), cl_vwep_changed(), Con_Action(), Con_Close(), Con_DrawNotify(), Con_DrawSolidConsole(), Con_RunConsole(), drop_client(), dump_program(), IN_AttackDown(), IN_GetCurrentGrab(), IN_UseDown(), Key_Event(), Key_SetDest(), LOC_Add_f(), LOC_Delete_f(), LOC_Here_m(), LOC_There_m(), LOC_Update_f(), LOC_Write_f(), parse_hello(), parse_message(), parse_ping(), parse_stream_start(), parse_stream_stop(), S_Update(), SCR_BeginLoadingPlaque(), SCR_DrawActive(), SCR_EndLoadingPlaque(), SCR_PlayCinematic(), SCR_ScoreDump_f(), SCR_ScoreShot_f(), SCR_Sky_f(), SCR_TimeRefresh_f(), set_active_state(), start_message_mode(), toggle_console(), UI_PopMenu(), and write_stream().

◆ temp

char client_static_s::temp[MAX_QPATH+4]

◆ time

unsigned client_static_s::time

Definition at line 402 of file client.h.

Referenced by CL_MeasureStats().

◆ time_frames

unsigned client_static_s::time_frames

Definition at line 456 of file client.h.

Referenced by CL_CleanupDemos(), CL_DemoFrame(), and CL_FirstDemoFrame().

◆ time_start

unsigned client_static_s::time_start

Definition at line 455 of file client.h.

Referenced by CL_CleanupDemos(), and CL_FirstDemoFrame().

◆ userinfo_modified

int client_static_s::userinfo_modified

Definition at line 383 of file client.h.

Referenced by CL_CheckForResend(), CL_Disconnect(), CL_SendUserinfo(), and CL_UpdateUserinfo().

◆ userinfo_updates

cvar_t* client_static_s::userinfo_updates[MAX_PACKET_USERINFOS]

Definition at line 384 of file client.h.

Referenced by CL_SendUserinfo(), and CL_UpdateUserinfo().