Go to the source code of this file.
Macros | |
#define | MODE_GEOMETRY 1 |
#define | MODE_FULLSCREEN 2 |
#define | MODE_MODELIST 4 |
Functions | |
qboolean | VID_GetFullscreen (vrect_t *rc, int *freq_p, int *depth_p) |
qboolean | VID_GetGeometry (vrect_t *rc) |
void | VID_SetGeometry (vrect_t *rc) |
void | VID_ToggleFullscreen (void) |
void | CL_RunRefresh (void) |
static void | vid_geometry_changed (cvar_t *self) |
static void | vid_fullscreen_changed (cvar_t *self) |
static void | vid_modelist_changed (cvar_t *self) |
void | CL_InitRefresh (void) |
void | CL_ShutdownRefresh (void) |
float | R_ClampScale (cvar_t *var) |
Variables | |
cvar_t * | vid_rtx |
cvar_t * | vid_geometry |
cvar_t * | vid_modelist |
cvar_t * | vid_fullscreen |
cvar_t * | _vid_fullscreen |
cvar_t * | vid_display |
cvar_t * | vid_displaylist |
static int | mode_changed |
refcfg_t | r_config |
qboolean(* | R_Init )(qboolean total) = NULL |
void(* | R_Shutdown )(qboolean total) = NULL |
void(* | R_BeginRegistration )(const char *map) = NULL |
void(* | R_SetSky )(const char *name, float rotate, vec3_t axis) = NULL |
void(* | R_EndRegistration )(void) = NULL |
void(* | R_RenderFrame )(refdef_t *fd) = NULL |
void(* | R_LightPoint )(vec3_t origin, vec3_t light) = NULL |
void(* | R_ClearColor )(void) = NULL |
void(* | R_SetAlpha )(float clpha) = NULL |
void(* | R_SetAlphaScale )(float alpha) = NULL |
void(* | R_SetColor )(uint32_t color) = NULL |
void(* | R_SetClipRect )(const clipRect_t *clip) = NULL |
void(* | R_SetScale )(float scale) = NULL |
void(* | R_DrawChar )(int x, int y, int flags, int ch, qhandle_t font) = NULL |
int(* | R_DrawString )(int x, int y, int flags, size_t maxChars, const char *string, qhandle_t font) = NULL |
void(* | R_DrawPic )(int x, int y, qhandle_t pic) = NULL |
void(* | R_DrawStretchPic )(int x, int y, int w, int h, qhandle_t pic) = NULL |
void(* | R_TileClear )(int x, int y, int w, int h, qhandle_t pic) = NULL |
void(* | R_DrawFill8 )(int x, int y, int w, int h, int c) = NULL |
void(* | R_DrawFill32 )(int x, int y, int w, int h, uint32_t color) = NULL |
void(* | R_BeginFrame )(void) = NULL |
void(* | R_EndFrame )(void) = NULL |
void(* | R_ModeChanged )(int width, int height, int flags, int rowbytes, void *pixels) = NULL |
void(* | R_AddDecal )(decal_t *d) = NULL |
qboolean(* | R_InterceptKey )(unsigned key, qboolean down) = NULL |
void(* | IMG_Unload )(image_t *image) = NULL |
void(* | IMG_Load )(image_t *image, byte *pic) = NULL |
byte *(* | IMG_ReadPixels )(int *width, int *height, int *rowbytes) = NULL |
qerror_t(* | MOD_LoadMD2 )(model_t *model, const void *rawdata, size_t length) = NULL |
void(* | MOD_Reference )(model_t *model) = NULL |
float R_ClampScale | ( | cvar_t * | var | ) |
Definition at line 440 of file refresh.c.
Referenced by Con_CheckResize(), SCR_ModeChanged(), scr_scale_changed(), and UI_Resize().
static |
Definition at line 274 of file refresh.c.
Referenced by CL_InitRefresh().
static |
Definition at line 269 of file refresh.c.
Referenced by CL_InitRefresh().
qboolean VID_GetGeometry | ( | vrect_t * | rc | ) |
static |
Definition at line 279 of file refresh.c.
Referenced by CL_InitRefresh().
void VID_SetGeometry | ( | vrect_t * | rc | ) |
cvar_t* _vid_fullscreen |
Definition at line 34 of file refresh.c.
Referenced by CL_InitRefresh(), and VID_ToggleFullscreen().
Definition at line 431 of file refresh.c.
Referenced by find_or_load_image(), IMG_ReloadAll(), R_RegisterFunctionsGL(), R_RegisterFunctionsRTX(), and R_RegisterRawImage().
Definition at line 432 of file refresh.c.
Referenced by make_screenshot().
Definition at line 430 of file refresh.c.
Referenced by IMG_FreeAll(), IMG_FreeUnused(), R_RegisterFunctionsGL(), R_RegisterFunctionsRTX(), and R_SetSky_RTX().
qerror_t(* MOD_LoadMD2) (model_t *model, const void *rawdata, size_t length) = NULL |
Definition at line 434 of file refresh.c.
Referenced by R_RegisterFunctionsGL(), R_RegisterFunctionsRTX(), and R_RegisterModel().
void(* MOD_Reference) (model_t *model) = NULL |
Definition at line 438 of file refresh.c.
Referenced by R_RegisterFunctionsGL(), R_RegisterFunctionsRTX(), and R_RegisterModel().
static |
Definition at line 42 of file refresh.c.
Referenced by CL_InitRefresh(), CL_RunRefresh(), vid_fullscreen_changed(), vid_geometry_changed(), and vid_modelist_changed().
void(* R_AddDecal) (decal_t *d) = NULL |
Definition at line 427 of file refresh.c.
Referenced by CL_BloodParticleEffect().
Definition at line 424 of file refresh.c.
Referenced by SCR_TimeRefresh_f(), and SCR_UpdateScreen().
void(* R_BeginRegistration) (const char *map) = NULL |
Definition at line 405 of file refresh.c.
Referenced by CL_PrepRefresh(), R_RegisterFunctionsGL(), and R_RegisterFunctionsRTX().
Definition at line 410 of file refresh.c.
Referenced by Action_Draw(), Con_DrawLine(), Con_DrawNotify(), Con_DrawSolidConsole(), Keybind_Draw(), R_RegisterFunctionsGL(), R_RegisterFunctionsRTX(), SCR_Draw2D(), SCR_DrawObjects(), SCR_ExecuteLayoutString(), Static_Draw(), and UI_Draw().
refcfg_t r_config |
Definition at line 401 of file refresh.c.
Referenced by Con_CheckResize(), Con_Init(), enqueue_stretch_pic(), GL_InitImages(), GL_LightScaleTexture(), GL_Setup2D(), GL_Setup3D(), IMG_Load(), IMG_ReadPixels_GL(), IN_GetCurrentGrab(), R_ClampScale(), R_InitDraw(), R_SetClipRect(), R_SetClipRect_GL(), R_SetScale_GL(), SCR_DrawActive(), SCR_DrawLoading(), UI_Draw(), UI_MouseEvent(), and UI_Resize().
Definition at line 416 of file refresh.c.
Referenced by Con_DrawSolidConsole(), R_RegisterFunctionsGL(), R_RegisterFunctionsRTX(), SCR_DrawInventory(), and UI_DrawChar().
Definition at line 423 of file refresh.c.
Referenced by Field_Draw(), Menu_Draw(), MenuList_Draw(), R_RegisterFunctionsGL(), and R_RegisterFunctionsRTX().
Definition at line 422 of file refresh.c.
Referenced by draw_percent_bar(), DrawStatus(), R_RegisterFunctionsGL(), R_RegisterFunctionsRTX(), R_SetupFrame(), SCR_DrawActive(), SCR_DrawNet(), SCR_LagDraw(), and UI_DrawRect8().
Definition at line 419 of file refresh.c.
Referenced by Bitmap_Draw(), HUD_DrawNumber(), Menu_Draw(), R_RegisterFunctionsGL(), R_RegisterFunctionsRTX(), SCR_DrawInventory(), SCR_DrawLoading(), SCR_DrawPause(), SCR_ExecuteLayoutString(), and UI_Draw().
Definition at line 420 of file refresh.c.
Referenced by Con_DrawSolidConsole(), Menu_Draw(), R_RegisterFunctionsGL(), R_RegisterFunctionsRTX(), SCR_DrawActive(), SCR_DrawCrosshair(), and SCR_DrawNet().
int(* R_DrawString) (int x, int y, int flags, size_t maxChars, const char *string, qhandle_t font) = NULL |
Definition at line 417 of file refresh.c.
Referenced by Con_DrawLine(), Con_DrawNotify(), Con_DrawSolidConsole(), draw_percent_bar(), draw_query(), Menu_DrawStatus(), R_RegisterFunctionsGL(), R_RegisterFunctionsRTX(), SCR_DrawStringEx(), and UI_DrawString().
Definition at line 425 of file refresh.c.
Referenced by SCR_TimeRefresh_f(), and SCR_UpdateScreen().
Definition at line 407 of file refresh.c.
Referenced by CL_PrepRefresh(), R_RegisterFunctionsGL(), and R_RegisterFunctionsRTX().
qboolean(* R_Init) (qboolean total) = NULL |
Definition at line 403 of file refresh.c.
Referenced by CL_InitRefresh().
qboolean(* R_InterceptKey) (unsigned key, qboolean down) = NULL |
Definition at line 428 of file refresh.c.
Referenced by Key_Event(), R_RegisterFunctionsGL(), and R_RegisterFunctionsRTX().
Definition at line 409 of file refresh.c.
Referenced by R_AliasSetupLighting(), R_RegisterFunctionsGL(), R_RegisterFunctionsRTX(), and V_SetLightLevel().
Definition at line 426 of file refresh.c.
Referenced by Win_ModeChanged().
void(* R_RenderFrame) (refdef_t *fd) = NULL |
Definition at line 408 of file refresh.c.
Referenced by Draw(), SCR_TimeRefresh_f(), and V_RenderView().
void(* R_SetAlpha) (float clpha) = NULL |
Definition at line 411 of file refresh.c.
Referenced by Con_DrawLine(), Con_DrawSolidConsole(), R_RegisterFunctionsGL(), R_RegisterFunctionsRTX(), SCR_Draw2D(), SCR_DrawCenterString(), SCR_DrawChatHUD(), SCR_DrawObjects(), SCR_DrawSelectedItemName(), and SCR_ExecuteLayoutString().
void(* R_SetAlphaScale) (float alpha) = NULL |
Definition at line 412 of file refresh.c.
Referenced by evaluate_reference_mode(), R_RegisterFunctionsGL(), R_RegisterFunctionsRTX(), and SCR_Draw2D().
void(* R_SetClipRect) (const clipRect_t *clip) = NULL |
Definition at line 414 of file refresh.c.
Referenced by MenuList_DrawString(), R_ModeChanged(), R_RegisterFunctionsGL(), and R_RegisterFunctionsRTX().
Definition at line 413 of file refresh.c.
Referenced by Action_Draw(), Con_DrawLine(), Con_DrawSolidConsole(), draw_shadowed_string(), Keybind_Draw(), MenuList_Draw(), R_RegisterFunctionsGL(), R_RegisterFunctionsRTX(), SCR_DrawCrosshair(), SCR_DrawFPS(), SCR_DrawObjects(), SCR_ExecuteLayoutString(), and Static_Draw().
void(* R_SetScale) (float scale) = NULL |
Definition at line 415 of file refresh.c.
Referenced by Con_DrawConsole(), Draw(), evaluate_reference_mode(), R_RegisterFunctionsGL(), R_RegisterFunctionsRTX(), SCR_Draw2D(), SCR_DrawLoading(), and UI_Draw().
void(* R_SetSky) (const char *name, float rotate, vec3_t axis) = NULL |
Definition at line 406 of file refresh.c.
Referenced by CL_SetSky(), R_RegisterFunctionsGL(), R_RegisterFunctionsRTX(), and SCR_Sky_f().
void(* R_Shutdown) (qboolean total) = NULL |
Definition at line 404 of file refresh.c.
Referenced by CL_ShutdownRefresh().
Definition at line 421 of file refresh.c.
Referenced by R_RegisterFunctionsGL(), and R_RegisterFunctionsRTX().
cvar_t* vid_display |
Definition at line 35 of file refresh.c.
Referenced by CL_InitRefresh().
cvar_t* vid_displaylist |
Definition at line 36 of file refresh.c.
Referenced by CL_InitRefresh().
cvar_t* vid_fullscreen |
Definition at line 33 of file refresh.c.
Referenced by CL_InitRefresh(), CL_RunRefresh(), CL_ShutdownRefresh(), VID_GetFullscreen(), VID_ToggleFullscreen(), Win_MainWndProc(), and Win_SetMode().
cvar_t* vid_geometry |
Definition at line 31 of file refresh.c.
Referenced by CL_InitRefresh(), CL_ShutdownRefresh(), VID_GetGeometry(), and VID_SetGeometry().
cvar_t* vid_modelist |
Definition at line 32 of file refresh.c.
Referenced by CL_InitRefresh(), CL_ShutdownRefresh(), and VID_GetFullscreen().
cvar_t* vid_rtx |
Definition at line 30 of file refresh.c.
Referenced by CL_AddExplosions(), CL_AddPacketEntities(), CL_AddViewWeapon(), CL_InitRefresh(), CL_MuzzleFlash(), CL_PrepRefresh(), find_or_load_image(), M_Menu_PlayerConfig(), R_RegisterModel(), and SCR_DrawFPS().