Diablo devolved - magic behind the 1996 computer game
Functions | Variables
monster.cpp File Reference
#include "all.h"
#include "../3rdParty/Storm/Source/storm.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


void InitMonsterTRN (int monst, BOOL special)
void InitLevelMonsters ()
int AddMonsterType (int type, int placeflag)
void GetLevelMTypes ()
void InitMonsterGFX (int monst)
void ClearMVars (int i)
void InitMonster (int i, int rd, int mtype, int x, int y)
void ClrAllMonsters ()
BOOL MonstPlace (int xp, int yp)
void PlaceMonster (int i, int mtype, int x, int y)
void PlaceUniqueMonst (int uniqindex, int miniontype, int unpackfilesize)
void PlaceQuestMonsters ()
void PlaceGroup (int mtype, int num, int leaderf, int leader)
void LoadDiabMonsts ()
void InitMonsters ()
void PlaceUniques ()
void SetMapMonsters (BYTE *pMap, int startx, int starty)
void DeleteMonster (int i)
int AddMonster (int x, int y, int dir, int mtype, BOOL InMap)
void NewMonsterAnim (int i, AnimStruct *anim, int md)
BOOL M_Ranged (int i)
BOOL M_Talker (int i)
void M_Enemy (int i)
int M_GetDir (int i)
void M_StartStand (int i, int md)
void M_StartDelay (int i, int len)
void M_StartSpStand (int i, int md)
void M_StartWalk (int i, int xvel, int yvel, int xadd, int yadd, int EndDir)
void M_StartWalk2 (int i, int xvel, int yvel, int xoff, int yoff, int xadd, int yadd, int EndDir)
void M_StartWalk3 (int i, int xvel, int yvel, int xoff, int yoff, int xadd, int yadd, int mapx, int mapy, int EndDir)
void M_StartAttack (int i)
void M_StartRAttack (int i, int missile_type, int dam)
void M_StartRSpAttack (int i, int missile_type, int dam)
void M_StartSpAttack (int i)
void M_StartEat (int i)
void M_ClearSquares (int i)
void M_GetKnockback (int i)
void M_StartHit (int i, int pnum, int dam)
void M_DiabloDeath (int i, BOOL sendmsg)
void M2MStartHit (int mid, int i, int dam)
void MonstStartKill (int i, int pnum, BOOL sendmsg)
void M2MStartKill (int i, int mid)
void M_StartKill (int i, int pnum)
void M_SyncStartKill (int i, int x, int y, int pnum)
void M_StartFadein (int i, int md, BOOL backwards)
void M_StartFadeout (int i, int md, BOOL backwards)
void M_StartHeal (int i)
void M_ChangeLightOffset (int monst)
BOOL M_DoStand (int i)
BOOL M_DoWalk (int i)
BOOL M_DoWalk2 (int i)
BOOL M_DoWalk3 (int i)
void M_TryM2MHit (int i, int mid, int hper, int mind, int maxd)
void M_TryH2HHit (int i, int pnum, int Hit, int MinDam, int MaxDam)
BOOL M_DoAttack (int i)
BOOL M_DoRAttack (int i)
int M_DoRSpAttack (int i)
BOOL M_DoSAttack (int i)
BOOL M_DoFadein (int i)
BOOL M_DoFadeout (int i)
int M_DoHeal (int i)
int M_DoTalk (int i)
void M_Teleport (int i)
BOOL M_DoGotHit (int i)
void M_UpdateLeader (int i)
void DoEnding ()
void PrepDoEnding ()
BOOL M_DoDeath (int i)
BOOL M_DoSpStand (int i)
BOOL M_DoDelay (int i)
BOOL M_DoStone (int i)
void M_WalkDir (int i, int md)
void GroupUnity (int i)
BOOL M_CallWalk (int i, int md)
BOOL M_PathWalk (int i)
BOOL M_CallWalk2 (int i, int md)
BOOL M_DumbWalk (int i, int md)
BOOL M_RoundWalk (int i, int md, int *dir)
void MAI_Zombie (int i)
void MAI_SkelSd (int i)
BOOL MAI_Path (int i)
void MAI_Snake (int i)
void MAI_Bat (int i)
void MAI_SkelBow (int i)
void MAI_Fat (int i)
void MAI_Sneak (int i)
void MAI_Fireman (int i)
void MAI_Fallen (int i)
void MAI_Cleaver (int i)
void MAI_Round (int i, BOOL special)
void MAI_GoatMc (int i)
void MAI_Ranged (int i, int missile_type, BOOL special)
void MAI_GoatBow (int i)
void MAI_Succ (int i)
void MAI_AcidUniq (int i)
void MAI_Scav (int i)
void MAI_Garg (int i)
void MAI_RoundRanged (int i, int missile_type, BOOL checkdoors, int dam, int lessmissiles)
void MAI_Magma (int i)
void MAI_Storm (int i)
void MAI_Acid (int i)
void MAI_Diablo (int i)
void MAI_RR2 (int i, int mistype, int dam)
void MAI_Mega (int i)
void MAI_Golum (int i)
void MAI_SkelKing (int i)
void MAI_Rhino (int i)
void MAI_Counselor (int i)
void MAI_Garbud (int i)
void MAI_Zhar (int i)
void MAI_SnotSpil (int i)
void MAI_Lazurus (int i)
void MAI_Lazhelp (int i)
void MAI_Lachdanan (int i)
void MAI_Warlord (int i)
void DeleteMonsterList ()
void ProcessMonsters ()
void FreeMonsters ()
BOOL DirOK (int i, int mdir)
BOOL PosOkMissile (int x, int y)
BOOL CheckNoSolid (int x, int y)
BOOL LineClearF (BOOL(*Clear)(int, int), int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2)
BOOL LineClear (int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2)
BOOL LineClearF1 (BOOL(*Clear)(int, int, int), int monst, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2)
void SyncMonsterAnim (int i)
void M_FallenFear (int x, int y)
void PrintMonstHistory (int mt)
void PrintUniqueHistory ()
void MissToMonst (int i, int x, int y)
BOOL PosOkMonst (int i, int x, int y)
BOOL PosOkMonst2 (int i, int x, int y)
BOOL PosOkMonst3 (int i, int x, int y)
BOOL IsSkel (int mt)
BOOL IsGoat (int mt)
int M_SpawnSkel (int x, int y, int dir)
void ActivateSpawn (int i, int x, int y, int dir)
BOOL SpawnSkeleton (int ii, int x, int y)
int PreSpawnSkeleton ()
void TalktoMonster (int i)
void SpawnGolum (int i, int x, int y, int mi)
BOOL CanTalkToMonst (int m)
BOOL CheckMonsterHit (int m, BOOL *ret)
int encode_enemy (int m)
void decode_enemy (int m, int enemy)


 Tracks which missile files are already loaded. More...
int monstkills [MAXMONSTERS]
int monstactive [MAXMONSTERS]
int nummonsters
BOOLEAN sgbSaveSoundOn
MonsterStruct monster [MAXMONSTERS]
int totalmonsters
CMonster Monsters [MAX_LVLMTYPES]
int monstimgtot
int uniquetrans
int nummtypes
const char plr2monst [9] = { 0, 5, 3, 7, 1, 4, 6, 0, 2 }
int MWVel [24][3]
char animletter [7] = "nwahds"
int left [8] = { 7, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 }
int right [8] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 0 }
int opposite [8] = { 4, 5, 6, 7, 0, 1, 2, 3 }
int offset_x [8] = { 1, 0, -1, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1 }
int offset_y [8] = { 1, 1, 1, 0, -1, -1, -1, 0 }
int rnd5 [4] = { 5, 10, 15, 20 }
 unused More...
int rnd10 [4] = { 10, 15, 20, 30 }
int rnd20 [4] = { 20, 30, 40, 50 }
int rnd60 [4] = { 60, 70, 80, 90 }
void(* AiProc [])(int i)

Detailed Description

Implementation of monster functionality, AI, actions, spawning, loading, etc.

Definition in file monster.cpp.