icculus quake2 doxygen  1.0 dev
edict_s Struct Reference

#include <g_local.h>

Public Attributes

entity_state_t s
struct gclient_sclient
qboolean inuse
int linkcount
link_t area
int num_clusters
int clusternums [MAX_ENT_CLUSTERS]
int headnode
int areanum
int areanum2
int svflags
vec3_t mins
vec3_t maxs
vec3_t absmin
vec3_t absmax
vec3_t size
solid_t solid
int clipmask
int movetype
int flags
char * model
float freetime
char * message
char * classname
int spawnflags
float timestamp
float angle
char * target
char * targetname
char * killtarget
char * team
char * pathtarget
char * deathtarget
char * combattarget
float speed
float accel
float decel
vec3_t movedir
vec3_t pos1
vec3_t pos2
vec3_t velocity
vec3_t avelocity
int mass
float air_finished
float gravity
float yaw_speed
float ideal_yaw
float nextthink
void(* prethink )(edict_t *ent)
void(* think )(edict_t *self)
void(* blocked )(edict_t *self, edict_t *other)
void(* touch )(edict_t *self, edict_t *other, cplane_t *plane, csurface_t *surf)
void(* use )(edict_t *self, edict_t *other, edict_t *activator)
void(* pain )(edict_t *self, edict_t *other, float kick, int damage)
void(* die )(edict_t *self, edict_t *inflictor, edict_t *attacker, int damage, vec3_t point)
float touch_debounce_time
float pain_debounce_time
float damage_debounce_time
float fly_sound_debounce_time
float last_move_time
int health
int max_health
int gib_health
int deadflag
qboolean show_hostile
float powerarmor_time
char * map
int viewheight
int takedamage
int dmg
int radius_dmg
float dmg_radius
int sounds
int count
int groundentity_linkcount
int noise_index
int noise_index2
float volume
float attenuation
float wait
float delay
float random
float teleport_time
int watertype
int waterlevel
vec3_t move_origin
vec3_t move_angles
int light_level
int style
moveinfo_t moveinfo
monsterinfo_t monsterinfo

Detailed Description

Definition at line 962 of file g_local.h.

Member Data Documentation

◆ absmax

◆ absmin

◆ accel

float edict_s::accel

Definition at line 1020 of file g_local.h.

Referenced by SP_func_button(), SP_func_door(), SP_func_door_rotating(), and SP_func_plat().

◆ activator

◆ air_finished

float edict_s::air_finished

Definition at line 1027 of file g_local.h.

Referenced by M_WorldEffects(), P_WorldEffects(), and PutClientInServer().

◆ angle

float edict_s::angle

Definition at line 1010 of file g_local.h.

Referenced by AngleVectors().

◆ area

link_t edict_s::area

Definition at line 974 of file g_local.h.

Referenced by ReadLevel(), SV_LinkEdict(), SV_Push(), and SV_UnlinkEdict().

◆ areanum

int edict_s::areanum

Definition at line 979 of file g_local.h.

Referenced by FindTarget(), SV_BuildClientFrame(), and SV_LinkEdict().

◆ areanum2

int edict_s::areanum2

Definition at line 979 of file g_local.h.

Referenced by SV_BuildClientFrame(), and SV_LinkEdict().

◆ attenuation

float edict_s::attenuation

Definition at line 1084 of file g_local.h.

Referenced by SP_target_speaker(), and Use_Target_Speaker().

◆ avelocity

◆ blocked

void(* edict_s::blocked) (edict_t *self, edict_t *other)

◆ chain

edict_t* edict_s::chain

Definition at line 1069 of file g_local.h.

Referenced by DoRespawn(), and droptofloor().

◆ classname

◆ client

struct gclient_s * edict_s::client

Definition at line 965 of file g_local.h.

Referenced by actor_pain(), Add_Ammo(), ArmorIndex(), BeginIntermission(), bfg_think(), Blaster_Fire(), button_touch(), Chaingun_Fire(), ChangeWeapon(), ChaseNext(), ChasePrev(), CheckArmor(), CheckPowerArmor(), ClientBegin(), ClientBeginDeathmatch(), ClientBeginServerFrame(), ClientCommand(), ClientConnect(), ClientDisconnect(), ClientEndServerFrame(), ClientEndServerFrames(), ClientObituary(), ClientTeam(), ClientThink(), ClientUserinfoChanged(), Cmd_Drop_f(), Cmd_Give_f(), Cmd_Help_f(), Cmd_InvDrop_f(), Cmd_Inven_f(), Cmd_InvUse_f(), Cmd_Kill_f(), Cmd_PlayerList_f(), Cmd_PutAway_f(), Cmd_Say_f(), Cmd_Score_f(), Cmd_Use_f(), Cmd_Wave_f(), Cmd_WeapLast_f(), Cmd_WeapNext_f(), Cmd_WeapPrev_f(), door_blocked(), door_secret_blocked(), door_touch(), Drop_Ammo(), Drop_General(), Drop_Item(), Drop_PowerArmor(), Drop_Weapon(), ExitLevel(), FetchClientEntData(), FindTarget(), fire_hit(), fire_rail(), G_CheckChaseStats(), G_SetClientEffects(), G_SetClientFrame(), G_SetClientSound(), G_SetSpectatorStats(), G_SetStats(), G_TouchTriggers(), GetChaseTarget(), Grenade_Explode(), InitClientPersistant(), InitClientResp(), IsFemale(), IsNeutral(), Killed(), M_ReactToDamage(), Machinegun_Fire(), monster_triggered_spawn_use(), monster_use(), MoveClientToIntermission(), NoAmmoWeaponChange(), P_DamageFeedback(), P_FallingDamage(), P_ProjectSource(), P_WorldEffects(), Pickup_Ammo(), Pickup_Armor(), Pickup_Bandolier(), Pickup_Key(), Pickup_Pack(), Pickup_PowerArmor(), Pickup_Powerup(), Pickup_Weapon(), plat_blocked(), PlayerNoise(), point_combat_touch(), PowerArmorType(), PutClientInServer(), ReadLevel(), rocket_touch(), SaveClientData(), SelectCoopSpawnPoint(), SelectNextItem(), SelectPrevItem(), spectator_respawn(), SV_BuildClientFrame(), SV_CalcBlend(), SV_CalcGunOffset(), SV_CalcViewOffset(), SV_movestep(), SV_Push(), SV_Savegame_f(), T_Damage(), target_earthquake_think(), target_laser_think(), teleporter_touch(), Think_Weapon(), Touch_DoorTrigger(), Touch_Item(), Touch_Multi(), Touch_Plat_Center(), train_blocked(), trigger_key_use(), trigger_push_touch(), UpdateChaseCam(), Use_Breather(), Use_Envirosuit(), Use_Invulnerability(), Use_PowerArmor(), Use_Quad(), Use_Silencer(), use_target_changelevel(), Use_Weapon(), ValidateSelectedItem(), weapon_bfg_fire(), Weapon_Blaster_Fire(), Weapon_Generic(), Weapon_Grenade(), weapon_grenade_fire(), weapon_grenadelauncher_fire(), Weapon_HyperBlaster_Fire(), weapon_railgun_fire(), Weapon_RocketLauncher_Fire(), weapon_shotgun_fire(), and weapon_supershotgun_fire().

◆ clipmask

◆ clusternums

int edict_s::clusternums

Definition at line 977 of file g_local.h.

Referenced by SV_BuildClientFrame(), and SV_LinkEdict().

◆ combattarget

char* edict_s::combattarget

Definition at line 1017 of file g_local.h.

◆ count

◆ damage_debounce_time

float edict_s::damage_debounce_time

Definition at line 1047 of file g_local.h.

Referenced by M_WorldEffects(), and P_WorldEffects().

◆ deadflag

◆ deathtarget

char* edict_s::deathtarget

Definition at line 1016 of file g_local.h.

◆ decel

float edict_s::decel

Definition at line 1020 of file g_local.h.

Referenced by SP_func_button(), SP_func_door(), SP_func_door_rotating(), and SP_func_plat().

◆ delay

float edict_s::delay

Definition at line 1088 of file g_local.h.

Referenced by G_UseTargets(), ReadLevel(), and SP_trigger_always().

◆ die

◆ dmg

◆ dmg_radius

float edict_s::dmg_radius

◆ enemy

◆ flags

◆ fly_sound_debounce_time

float edict_s::fly_sound_debounce_time

Definition at line 1048 of file g_local.h.

Referenced by trigger_push_touch().

◆ freetime

float edict_s::freetime

Definition at line 999 of file g_local.h.

Referenced by G_FreeEdict(), and G_Spawn().

◆ gib_health

int edict_s::gib_health

Definition at line 1053 of file g_local.h.

◆ goalentity

edict_t* edict_s::goalentity

◆ gravity

float edict_s::gravity

Definition at line 1028 of file g_local.h.

Referenced by G_InitEdict(), SV_AddGravity(), and trigger_gravity_touch().

◆ groundentity

◆ groundentity_linkcount

int edict_s::groundentity_linkcount

◆ headnode

int edict_s::headnode

Definition at line 978 of file g_local.h.

Referenced by SV_BuildClientFrame(), and SV_LinkEdict().

◆ health

◆ ideal_yaw

float edict_s::ideal_yaw

◆ inuse

◆ item

◆ killtarget

char* edict_s::killtarget

Definition at line 1013 of file g_local.h.

Referenced by G_UseTargets(), and jorg_dead().

◆ last_move_time

float edict_s::last_move_time

Definition at line 1049 of file g_local.h.

Referenced by target_earthquake_use().

◆ light_level

int edict_s::light_level

Definition at line 1100 of file g_local.h.

Referenced by ClientThink(), and FindTarget().

◆ linkcount

int edict_s::linkcount

◆ map

char* edict_s::map

Definition at line 1059 of file g_local.h.

Referenced by BeginIntermission(), CreateTargetChangeLevel(), and SP_target_changelevel().

◆ mass

int edict_s::mass

Definition at line 1026 of file g_local.h.

Referenced by barrel_touch(), PutClientInServer(), T_Damage(), and target_earthquake_think().

◆ max_health

◆ maxs

◆ message

◆ mins

◆ model

◆ monsterinfo

◆ move_angles

vec3_t edict_s::move_angles

Definition at line 1097 of file g_local.h.

Referenced by turret_driver_die().

◆ move_origin

vec3_t edict_s::move_origin

Definition at line 1096 of file g_local.h.

◆ movedir

◆ moveinfo

◆ movetarget

edict_t* edict_s::movetarget

Definition at line 1032 of file g_local.h.

Referenced by path_corner_touch(), point_combat_touch(), and target_actor_touch().

◆ movetype

◆ mynoise

edict_t* edict_s::mynoise

Definition at line 1078 of file g_local.h.

Referenced by PlayerNoise().

◆ mynoise2

edict_t* edict_s::mynoise2

Definition at line 1079 of file g_local.h.

Referenced by PlayerNoise().

◆ nextthink

◆ noise_index

◆ noise_index2

int edict_s::noise_index2

Definition at line 1082 of file g_local.h.

◆ num_clusters

int edict_s::num_clusters

Definition at line 976 of file g_local.h.

Referenced by SV_BuildClientFrame(), and SV_LinkEdict().

◆ oldenemy

edict_t* edict_s::oldenemy

Definition at line 1071 of file g_local.h.

Referenced by M_ReactToDamage(), and point_combat_touch().

◆ owner

◆ pain

void(* edict_s::pain) (edict_t *self, edict_t *other, float kick, int damage)

Definition at line 1042 of file g_local.h.

Referenced by PutClientInServer(), and T_Damage().

◆ pain_debounce_time

◆ pathtarget

char* edict_s::pathtarget

Definition at line 1015 of file g_local.h.

Referenced by train_wait(), and trigger_elevator_use().

◆ pos1

◆ pos2

◆ powerarmor_time

float edict_s::powerarmor_time

Definition at line 1057 of file g_local.h.

Referenced by CheckPowerArmor(), G_SetClientEffects(), and M_SetEffects().

◆ prethink

void(* edict_s::prethink) (edict_t *ent)

Definition at line 1037 of file g_local.h.

Referenced by G_RunEntity().

◆ radius_dmg

int edict_s::radius_dmg

Definition at line 1064 of file g_local.h.

Referenced by fire_bfg(), fire_rocket(), and rocket_touch().

◆ random

float edict_s::random

Definition at line 1089 of file g_local.h.

◆ s

entity_state_t edict_s::s

Definition at line 964 of file g_local.h.

Referenced by actor_pain(), ai_run(), AngleMove_Begin(), AngleMove_Final(), barrel_touch(), BeginIntermission(), bfg_explode(), bfg_think(), Blaster_Fire(), CanDamage(), Chaingun_Fire(), ChangeWeapon(), CheckPowerArmor(), ClientBegin(), ClientBeginDeathmatch(), ClientBeginServerFrame(), ClientDisconnect(), ClientEndServerFrame(), ClientThink(), ClientUserinfoChanged(), Cmd_Wave_f(), COM_FileBase(), COM_FilePath(), CopyToBodyQue(), door_blocked(), door_secret_blocked(), DoRespawn(), Drop_Item(), droptofloor(), findradius(), FindTarget(), fire_bfg(), fire_blaster(), fire_grenade(), fire_grenade2(), fire_rocket(), func_explosive_explode(), func_train_find(), G_InitEdict(), G_RunFrame(), G_SetClientEffects(), G_SetClientEvent(), G_SetClientFrame(), G_SetClientSound(), Grenade_Explode(), hurt_touch(), Info_RemoveKey(), Info_SetValueForKey(), Info_Validate(), Info_ValueForKey(), infront(), jorg_dead(), KillBox(), LookAtKiller(), M_CatagorizePosition(), M_ChangeYaw(), M_CheckBottom(), M_CheckGround(), M_droptofloor(), M_SetEffects(), M_WorldEffects(), Machinegun_Fire(), makron_die(), makron_torso(), MakronSpawn(), MakronToss(), medic_FindDeadMonster(), misc_banner_think(), monster_start_go(), Move_Calc(), MoveClientToIntermission(), P_DamageFeedback(), P_FallingDamage(), P_WorldEffects(), path_corner_touch(), PF_setmodel(), plat_blocked(), plat_go_down(), plat_go_up(), plat_hit_bottom(), plat_hit_top(), PlayerNoise(), PlayersRangeFromSpot(), PlayerTrail_Add(), PutClientInServer(), range(), rocket_touch(), rotating_blocked(), rotating_touch(), SCR_CenterPrint(), SCR_ExecuteLayoutString(), SCR_UpdateScreen(), SelectSpawnPoint(), SP_CreateCoopSpots(), SP_FixCoopSpots(), SP_func_button(), SP_func_door(), SP_func_door_rotating(), SP_func_door_secret(), SP_func_plat(), SP_func_rotating(), SP_light_mine1(), SP_light_mine2(), SP_misc_banner(), SP_misc_bigviper(), SP_misc_blackhole(), SP_misc_deadsoldier(), SP_misc_easterchick(), SP_misc_easterchick2(), SP_misc_eastertank(), SP_misc_gib_arm(), SP_misc_gib_head(), SP_misc_gib_leg(), SP_misc_satellite_dish(), SP_misc_strogg_ship(), SP_misc_teleporter(), SP_misc_teleporter_dest(), SP_misc_viper(), SP_target_changelevel(), SP_target_help(), SP_target_secret(), SP_target_speaker(), SP_trigger_multiple(), SP_viewthing(), SP_worldspawn(), SpawnItem(), spectator_respawn(), SV_AddRotationalFriction(), SV_BuildClientFrame(), SV_CalcBlend(), SV_ClipMoveToEntities(), SV_CreateBaseline(), SV_FlyMove(), SV_HullForEntity(), SV_InitGame(), SV_LinkEdict(), SV_movestep(), SV_Multicast(), SV_New_f(), SV_NewChaseDir(), SV_Physics_Noclip(), SV_Physics_Toss(), SV_PointContents(), SV_PrepWorldFrame(), SV_Push(), SV_PushEntity(), SV_RecordDemoMessage(), SV_StartSound(), SV_StepDirection(), SV_TestEntityPosition(), T_RadiusDamage(), target_actor_touch(), target_lightramp_use(), target_string_use(), teleporter_touch(), TH_viewthing(), Think_Boss3Stand(), ThrowDebris(), ThrowGib(), Touch_Multi(), train_blocked(), train_next(), train_resume(), turret_blocked(), UpdateChaseCam(), Use_Boss3(), use_target_changelevel(), use_target_spawner(), Use_Target_Speaker(), Use_Target_Tent(), visible(), weapon_bfg_fire(), Weapon_Generic(), weapon_grenade_fire(), weapon_grenadelauncher_fire(), Weapon_HyperBlaster_Fire(), weapon_railgun_fire(), Weapon_RocketLauncher_Fire(), weapon_shotgun_fire(), and weapon_supershotgun_fire().

◆ show_hostile

qboolean edict_s::show_hostile

Definition at line 1055 of file g_local.h.

Referenced by FindTarget().

◆ size

◆ solid

◆ sounds

int edict_s::sounds

◆ spawnflags

◆ speed

◆ style

int edict_s::style

Definition at line 1102 of file g_local.h.

Referenced by Pickup_Health(), Use_Areaportal(), and Use_Target_Tent().

◆ svflags

◆ takedamage

◆ target

◆ target_ent

edict_t* edict_s::target_ent

Definition at line 1018 of file g_local.h.

Referenced by train_resume(), train_wait(), turret_driver_die(), and turret_driver_link().

◆ targetname

◆ team

char* edict_s::team

Definition at line 1014 of file g_local.h.

Referenced by DoRespawn(), droptofloor(), G_FindTeams(), SP_func_door(), and SP_func_door_rotating().

◆ teamchain

◆ teammaster

◆ teleport_time

float edict_s::teleport_time

Definition at line 1091 of file g_local.h.

Referenced by PlayerNoise().

◆ think

◆ timestamp

float edict_s::timestamp

Definition at line 1008 of file g_local.h.

Referenced by ai_run(), and PlayerTrail_Add().

◆ touch

◆ touch_debounce_time

float edict_s::touch_debounce_time

Definition at line 1045 of file g_local.h.

◆ use

◆ velocity

◆ viewheight

◆ volume

float edict_s::volume

Definition at line 1083 of file g_local.h.

Referenced by SP_target_speaker(), and Use_Target_Speaker().

◆ wait

◆ waterlevel

◆ watertype

◆ yaw_speed

float edict_s::yaw_speed

Definition at line 1033 of file g_local.h.

Referenced by M_ChangeYaw().