Diablo devolved - magic behind the 1996 computer game
Macros | Functions | Variables
scrollrt.cpp File Reference
#include "all.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


#define IsWall(x, y)   (dPiece[x][y] == 0 || nSolidTable[dPiece[x][y]] || dSpecial[x][y] != 0)
#define IsWalktabke(x, y)   (dPiece[x][y] != 0 && !nSolidTable[dPiece[x][y]])


void ClearCursor ()
 Clear cursor state. More...
static void scrollrt_draw_cursor_back_buffer ()
 Remove the cursor from the back buffer. More...
static void scrollrt_draw_cursor_item ()
 Draw the cursor on the back buffer. More...
void DrawMissilePrivate (MissileStruct *m, int sx, int sy, BOOL pre)
 Render a missile sprite. More...
void DrawMissile (int x, int y, int sx, int sy, BOOL pre)
 Render a missile sprites for a given tile. More...
static void DrawMonster (int x, int y, int mx, int my, int m)
 Render a monster sprite. More...
static void DrawPlayer (int pnum, int x, int y, int px, int py, BYTE *pCelBuff, int nCel, int nWidth)
 Render a player sprite. More...
void DrawDeadPlayer (int x, int y, int sx, int sy)
 Render a player sprite. More...
static void DrawObject (int x, int y, int ox, int oy, BOOL pre)
 Render an object sprite. More...
static void scrollrt_draw_dungeon (int sx, int sy, int dx, int dy)
 Render object sprites. More...
static void drawCell (int x, int y, int sx, int sy)
 Render a cell. More...
static void drawFloor (int x, int y, int sx, int sy)
 Render a floor tiles. More...
static void DrawItem (int x, int y, int sx, int sy, BOOL pre)
 Draw item for a given tile. More...
static void DrawMonsterHelper (int x, int y, int oy, int sx, int sy)
 Check if and how a mosnter should be rendered. More...
static void DrawPlayerHelper (int x, int y, int oy, int sx, int sy)
 Check if and how a player should be rendered. More...
static void scrollrt_drawFloor (int x, int y, int sx, int sy, int blocks, int chunks)
 Render a row of floor tiles. More...
static void scrollrt_draw (int x, int y, int sx, int sy, int blocks, int chunks)
 Render a row of tile. More...
static void DrawGame (int x, int y)
 Configure render and process screen rows. More...
void DrawControllerModifierHints ()
void DrawView (int StartX, int StartY)
 Start rendering of screen, town variation. More...
void ClearScreenBuffer ()
 Render the whole screen black. More...
void EnableFrameCount ()
 Initialize the FPS meter. More...
static void DrawFPS ()
 Display the current average FPS over 1 sec. More...
static void DoBlitScreen (DWORD dwX, DWORD dwY, DWORD dwWdt, DWORD dwHgt)
 Update part of the screen from the back buffer. More...
static void DrawMain (int dwHgt, BOOL draw_desc, BOOL draw_hp, BOOL draw_mana, BOOL draw_sbar, BOOL draw_btn)
 Check render pipline and blit indivudal screen parts. More...
void scrollrt_draw_game_screen (BOOL draw_cursor)
 Redraw screen. More...
void DrawAndBlit ()
 Render the game. More...


DEVILUTION_BEGIN_NAMESPACE int light_table_index
 Specifies the current light entry. More...
DWORD sgdwCursWdtOld
DWORD sgdwCursX
DWORD sgdwCursY
BYTE * gpBufStart
 Upper bound of back buffer. More...
BYTE * gpBufEnd
 Lower bound of back buffer. More...
DWORD sgdwCursHgt
DWORD level_cel_block
 Specifies the current MIN block of the level CEL file, as used during rendering of the level tiles. More...
DWORD sgdwCursXOld
DWORD sgdwCursYOld
char arch_draw_type
 Specifies the type of arches to render. More...
int cel_transparency_active
 Specifies whether transparency is active for the current CEL file being decoded. More...
int cel_foliage_active = false
 Specifies whether foliage (tile has extra content that overlaps previous tile) being rendered. More...
int level_piece_id
 Specifies the current dungeon piece ID of the level, as used during rendering of the level tiles. More...
DWORD sgdwCursWdt
void(* DrawPlrProc )(int, int, int, int, int, BYTE *, int, int, int, int)
BYTE sgSaveBack [8192]
DWORD sgdwCursHgtOld
bool dRendered [MAXDUNX][MAXDUNY]
char * szMonModeAssert [18]
 used in 1.00 debug More...
char * szPlrModeAssert [12]